Mar 28, 2023First social outing We had our first social outing and our choice was bowling. We enjoyed celebrating our accomplishments in this event. Let's see what the...
Feb 1, 2023We have our first photo shoot with our lab membersWe are so excited to welcome our new lab members. We had so much fun with our first photo shoot.
Feb 1, 2023Our new lab logo is readyWe have been working on designing a new lab logo. Now, it is ready to share with everyone. It represents that our hope is endless and our...
Jan 27, 2023Our abstract is accepted at Optica Biophotonics ConferenceWe are so excited to present our work as an oral presentation at Optica Biophotonics Conference: Optics in the Life Sciences which will...
Jan 21, 2023Our abstract is accepted at COSYNE 23Our abstract is accepted as a poster presentation at COSYNE 23. We are delighted to join this prestigious conference.
Oct 30, 2022Nicole presented our first research poster Nicole did an outstanding job presenting her (and our lab's) first poster presentation at Kent State University's 10th Annual...
Oct 30, 2022Dr. Yildirim gave an invited talk at the Mayo Clinic Science of Medicine Ground RoundsDr. Yildirim gave an invited talk entitled as " Of mice and men: Spatiotemporally-targeted high resolution brain imaging and optogenetics...
Oct 22, 2022New paper is posted on arxiv. orgWe posted a new paper focusing on combining deep learning and compressive sensing in multiphoton microscopy. Limited throughput is a key...